Overview of Acupuncture Orthopedics: Road Maps to Clinical Success — Live Webinar

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Acupuncture Treatment of the Yangming Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridian”): the Anterior Tract

Sunday, January 12, 2025, 9:00-6:00

at ACCHS, 1660 Broadway, Oakland

8 Live NCCAOM PDAs & CAB CEUs Category 1 approved

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

8 Distance-learning NCCAOM PDAs approved

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

The yangming  筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridian") of Chinese medicine describes the myofascial tract that runs along the anterior body from head to toe. Understanding the yangming jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt distally and proximally towards additional muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments that also may need treatment. Learn classical and modern examination and treatment of the yangming jing-jin tissues, including:

Leg Yangming Jing-Jin

  • Extensors hallucis and digitorum longus
  • Tibialis anterior
  • Patellar tendon
  • Anterior attachments of ACL, PCL, and meniscal horns
  • Vastus lateralis, intermidius, medialis and rectus femoris
  • Iliacus
  • Rectus abdominus

Arm Yangming Jing-Jin

  • Masseter
  • Medial and lateral pterygoids
  • Digastric
  • Sterno-cleido-mastoid
  • Anterior deltoid and shoulder joint
  • Biceps brachii long head
  • Brachioradialis
  • Extensors carpi radialis longus and brevis

Learn classical and modern methods of treating the jing-jin, including:

Instructional methods include:

  • Comparison of ancient sources with dissection studies and functional analyses of myofascial tissues: bony attachments and kinematic chains of muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia
  • Review of postural vs. phasic muscles and balance between agonist/antagonist muscle groups.
  • Demonstration of classical palpation techniques integrated with assessment of the movement, strength, and joint stabilization functions of the shaoyang jing-jin
  • Anatomical charts of myofascial referred pain patterns, including muscle attachment sites and functions, innervation, and trigger, motor and Chinese new/miscellaneous points for over 25 muscles and connective tissue structures that form the taiyang jing-jin.

Knowing the jing-jin is a valuable complement to the cross-sectional approach of contemporary orthopedics, and opens up to avenues towards holistic rehabilitation from injuries, pain and disability, including:

  • Decreased muscle-tendon pain and tension, and improved strength and function.
  • Decreased joint pain and enhanced stability and biomechanics.
  • Increased flexibility and range-of-motion.
  • Restored sensory, motor and proprioceptive function.

Student Comments and Ratings

From evaluations as required by NCCAOM & California Acupuncture Board.

Respondents: 38 of 43 enrolled


  • "Thank you for the great class! From clinical pearls to an important review of cautions and contraindications, these courses are very useful, even after practicing in this specialty for over 7 years! The material presents a truly integrative approach to orthopedics and sports medicine. In the past, I've found courses to apply either a TCM or a western orthopedics lens, but Dr. Von der Muhll does a wonderful job of blending the concepts in a way that is practical for patient care, logical for the practitioner, and provides language to discuss findings and treatments with our TCM and western colleagues."  --Leslie Yedor, L.Ac.
  • “Very articulate and precise…great 1-on-1 attention.  –Jessica Giese-Garderner, L.Ac.
  • “Amazing–Thank you!  –Jessica Luehrs, L.Ac.
  • This class was a really great review as well as including new material” —Daniele Uzes, L.Ac.
  • “Great knowledge of anatomy, very in-depth. Thank you for adding to the written notes on-line…I really appreciated Anthony’s in-depth clinical experience and his willingness to share..I’m taking more classes!!!”   –Monica Bowditch, L.Ac.
  • “Tons of great info, many applicable tools, with some practice indeed…great for sports acu/pain/ortho.” —Joe Sarti, L.Ac.
  • “I especially enjoyed reviewing anatomy whilst doing practical exercises to improve my skills…very good explanations…great that notes are digital and linked.” –Michael E. Brown, Jr., L.Ac.
  • “I like the charts and photos, this is truly useful!” —Anonymous, L.Ac.
  • "Excellent!" --Anonymous
  • "I learned a lot. Anthony is very knowledgeable."  --Anonymous
  • “I wish I had taken this when I got my license in 2006.” —Anonymous, L.Ac.

Average Ratings. Overall: 5/5

The class met its goals/objectives and covered subject materials as stated:  5/5

The class material will be useful in my clinical practice:  5/5

The instructor made effective use of learning aids: slideshows, notes, videos:  5/5

The class provided enough depth, breadth and detail of information:  5/5

The instructor provided adequate instruction in the skills and subjects addressed in the class:  5/5

The written notes were clear, adequate and helpful:  5/5

The number of CEUs/PDAs was appropriate for the time and work required:  5/5


Source Texts Referenced in this Class

  • Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. O’Connor and Bensky, trans. and ed. (1981)
  • Kendall, Donald E. The Dao of Chinese Medicine: Understanding an Ancient Health Art. (2002)
  • Legge, David. Jing Jin: Acupuncture Treatment of the Muscular System Using the Meridian Sinews.  (2010)
  • Meyers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Movement Therapists. (2009)
  • Simmons, Travell, Simmons and Cummings. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, vols. 1-2. (any edition)

Suggested Class Preparation

Prior review of clinical musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of the anterior body structures listed above (including joints and their planes of motion, ligaments, tendons, muscle attachments and functions, innervation) is recommended to make the most of this learning opportunity. Students are advised to have ready access to clinical anatomy references texts, apps or on-line resources during live webinars and in-person classes.

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin ("Sinew Meridians"): Introduction is strongly recommended as a pre-requisite.

See the other classes in this 4-part seriesTaiyang, Shaoyang and 3 Yin Jing-Jin. Take more than 1 for 10% off each!

View full certification program and register for live and self-paced distance-learning classes.

Acupuncture Treatment of the Shaoyang Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridian”): the Lateral Tract

Saturday, January 11, 2025, 9:00-6:00

at ACCHS, 1660 Broadway, Oakland

8 Live NCCAOM PDAs & CAB CEUs Category 1 approved

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First time user? Your account will be automatically be created after purchase. Please note:

--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

8 Distance-learning NCCAOM PDAs approved

Contact Us to request CAB CEUs

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First time user? Your account will be automatically be created after purchase. Please note:

--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

The shaoyang  筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridian") of Chinese medicine describes the myofascial tract that runs along the lateral body from head to toe. Understanding the shaoyang jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt distally and proximally towards additional muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments that also may need treatment. Learn classical and modern examination and treatment of the shaoyang jing-jin tissues, including:

Leg Shaoyang Jing-Jin

  • Lateral ankle ligaments: anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular
  • Fibularis (peroneal) group
  • Superior tibiofibular joint
  • Iliotibial band and tensor fascia lata
  • Piriformis and quadratus femoris
  • Gluteus medius and minimus
  • Quadratus lumborum
  • Lateral abdominals
  • External intercostals
  • Scalenes

Arm Shaoyang Jing-Jin

  • Supraspinatus
  • Posterior and middle deltoids
  • Extensor digitorum

Learn classical and modern methods of treating the jing-jin, including:

Instructional methods include:

  • Comparison of ancient sources with dissection studies and functional analyses of myofascial tissues: bony attachments and kinematic chains of muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia
  • Review of postural vs. phasic muscles and balance between agonist/antagonist muscle groups.
  • Demonstration of classical palpation techniques integrated with assessment of the movement, strength, and joint stabilization functions of the shaoyang jing-jin
  • Anatomical charts of myofascial referred pain patterns, including muscle attachment sites and functions, innervation, and trigger, motor and Chinese new/miscellaneous points for over 25 muscles and connective tissue structures that form the taiyang jing-jin.

Knowing the jing-jin is a valuable complement to the cross-sectional approach of contemporary orthopedics, and opens up to avenues towards holistic rehabilitation from injuries, pain and disability, including:

  • Decreased muscle-tendon pain and tension, and improved strength and function.
  • Decreased joint pain and enhanced stability and biomechanics.
  • Increased flexibility and range-of-motion.
  • Restored sensory, motor and proprioceptive function.

Student Comments and Ratings

From evaluations as required by NCCAOM & California Acupuncture Board.

Respondents: 40 of 45 enrolled


  • "Thank you for the great class! From clinical pearls to an important review of cautions and contraindications, these courses are very useful, even after practicing in this specialty for over 7 years! The material presents a truly integrative approach to orthopedics and sports medicine. In the past, I've found courses to apply either a TCM or a western orthopedics lens, but Dr. Von der Muhll does a wonderful job of blending the concepts in a way that is practical for patient care, logical for the practitioner, and provides language to discuss findings and treatments with our TCM and western colleagues."  --Leslie Yedor, L.Ac.
  • “Very articulate and precise…great 1-on-1 attention.  –Jessica Giese-Garderner, L.Ac.
  • “Amazing–Thank you!  –Jessica Luehrs, L.Ac.
  • This class was a really great review as well as including new material” —Daniele Uzes, L.Ac.
  • “Great knowledge of anatomy, very in-depth. Thank you for adding to the written notes on-line…I really appreciated Anthony’s in-depth clinical experience and his willingness to share..I’m taking more classes!!!”   –Monica Bowditch, L.Ac.
  • “Tons of great info, many applicable tools, with some practice indeed…great for sports acu/pain/ortho.” —Joe Sarti, L.Ac.
  • “I especially enjoyed reviewing anatomy whilst doing practical exercises to improve my skills…very good explanations…great that notes are digital and linked.” –Michael E. Brown, Jr., L.Ac.
  • “I like the charts and photos, this is truly useful!” —Anonymous, L.Ac.
  • "Excellent!" --Anonymous
  • "I learned a lot. Anthony is very knowledgeable."  --Anonymous
  • “I wish I had taken this when I got my license in 2006.” —Anonymous, L.Ac.

Average Ratings. Overall: 5/5

The class met its goals/objectives and covered subject materials as stated:  5/5

The class material will be useful in my clinical practice:  5/5

The instructor made effective use of learning aids: slideshows, notes, videos:  5/5

The class provided enough depth, breadth and detail of information:  5/5

The instructor provided adequate instruction in the skills and subjects addressed in the class:  5/5

The written notes were clear, adequate and helpful:  5/5

The number of CEUs/PDAs was appropriate for the time and work required:  5/5


Source Texts Referenced in this Class

  • Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. O’Connor and Bensky, trans. and ed. (1981)
  • Kendall, Donald E. The Dao of Chinese Medicine: Understanding an Ancient Health Art. (2002)
  • Legge, David. Jing Jin: Acupuncture Treatment of the Muscular System Using the Meridian Sinews.  (2010)
  • Meyers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Movement Therapists. (2009)
  • Simmons, Travell, Simmons and Cummings. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, vols. 1-2. (any edition)

Suggested Class Preparation

Prior review of clinical musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of the posterior body structures listed above (including joints and their planes of motion, ligaments, tendons, muscle attachments and functions, innervation) is recommended to make the most of this learning opportunity. Students are advised to have ready access to clinical anatomy references texts, apps or on-line resources during live webinars and in-person classes.

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin ("Sinew Meridians"): Introduction is strongly recommended as a pre-requisite.

See the other classes in this 4-part series:  Taiyang, Yangming and 3 Yin Jing-Jin. Take more than 1 for 10% off each!

View full certification program and register for live and self-paced distance-learning classes.

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridians”): Introduction

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email

The classical jing-jin ("sinew meridians") of Chinese medicine describe tracts of myofascial tissues that roughly follow the jing-luo ("primary meridians").

Understanding the jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt, to distal and proximal locations that also may need treatment. Knowing the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments of each jing-jin, and how to examine and treat them is a valuable complement to the cross-sectional approach of contemporary orthopedics, and opens up avenues towards holistic rehabilitation from injuries, pain and disability, including:

  • Decreased muscle-tendon pain and tension, and improved strength and function
  • Decreased joint pain, and increased flexibility and range-of-motion
  • Improved posture, movement, and whole-body biomechanics

This introductory class prepares students to get the most out of the 4-part Jing-Jin series by reviewing the general structure and functions of the jing-jin, as well as classical and modern examination and treatment techniques, including:

  • Comparison of ancient descriptions of the jing-jin with contemporary dissection studies and functional analyses of myofascial tracts and kinematic chains
  • Clinical significance of postural vs. phasic muscles and balance between agonist/antagonist muscle groups
  • Clinical assessment of the movement, strength, and joint stabilization functions of jing-jin muscles and joints
  • Introduction to anatomical charts of myofascial referred pain patterns, including muscle attachment sites and functions, innervation, and trigger, motor and Chinese new/miscellaneous points. (The full series covers over 100 muscles and connective tissue structures.)

Treatment of jing-jin injuries and pain with traditional and modern acupuncture and other AOM therapies.

View full certification program and register for live and self-paced distance-learning classes.

Acupuncture Orthopedics Essentials I: Fundamentals

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email

  • Integrating Eastern and Western understandings of injuries, pain and disability
    • From acute injury to chronic pain and disability: bi syndromes and the degenerative cascade
    • Challenges, standards and goals for treating injuries, pain and disability
    • Moving beyond passive symptom relief to active restoration of functional capacity
    • Resources for developing essential knowledge, skills and abilities
  • Pain psychology and neural hypersensitivity: recognizing and treating hidden mind-body pathomechanisms of chronic pain and disability
  • Optimal treatment of orthopedic tissues
    • Bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments: selecting the most appropriate treatment modalities
  • Kinesiology and the jing-jin ("sinew channels" or myofascial tracts): understanding posture and motion disorders
  • The orthopedic interview: taking an effective history
    • Objectives, challenges, priorities, structure and flow
    • Key questions for assessing severity/urgency, and focusing physical exam
    • Essential inquiry for diagnosis and pattern recognition
    • Interview techniques to build patient rapport and a strong therapeutic alliance

Student Ratings and Comments

Respondents: 29 of 37 enrolled

Average rating: 98/100

"Excellent teacher"  --Anonymous

"Thank you. Instructor is outstanding."  --Anonymous

"Anthony is a gem! He is very clear and organized."  --Anonymous

"Good choice for a teacher."  --Anonymous

View full certification program and register for live and self-paced distance-learning classes.

Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email

Orthopedic Case Study and Clinical Mentorship Webinars — General Meeting 9-15-21

Led by Doctoral Clinic Supervisor and Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

Zoom Link to Login to September 15 Meeting

1:00-4:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. PDT

  • Please be prepared to present your case verbally, organized in SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan), along with your priority questions
  • The instructor will invite or chose at random 6 participants to present their cases and questions
  • The instructor will lead review, discussion, and advice
  • Each meeting is capped at 15 participants to ensure high-quality discussion
  • You may record the discussion on your own device for your own future review
  • No CEUs or PDAs available--for educational purposes only

Report-Writing for Managed Care: HMO, Personal Injury, Work Comp – Live Webinar

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Medical Documentation: Essential Best Practices – Live Webinar

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