Shoulder, Arm, Hand — Review and Practicum Lab

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Not Enrolled
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Thank you for taking this class! To obtain your certificate of completion: it’s as easy as “1-2!”

1. Scroll to “Course Content” below, view the slideshow (and any other contents, if present), open and mark as “complete.”

2. The course eval (required by NCCAOM and CAB) should then “pop up.” (You may need to disable a pop-up blocker for to see the eval). Complete the course eval.


When you have completed the eval, you may download and print your provisional PDA certificate, and your official CAB CEU certificate if applicable. (Your certificates will also be stored in your account under “Certificates of Completion.”)

NCCAOM Diplomates please read:

  • Course completion will be reported to the NCCAOM as soon as possible after the class, typically within 1-2 business days. The NCCAOM will then email you your official PDA certificate, which will be archived in your NCCAOM account
  • Please complete the quiz and survey at the end of class–before you misplace the completion code, before your next license renewal deadline!
  • Let us know ASAP if need expedited reporting to the NCCAOM.
  • We cannot guarantee timely help with obtaining your certificate after the end of class.

Please let us know if you have any trouble navigating the class. Thank you for your purchase, and we hope you found the class useful!

Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac.

Posted in Live In-Person Classes.